Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Warbler on a wire

Sometimes when taking pictures, things just click...

I was on my way home from town, taking the back road past my neighbor's acreage.  As I drove slowly down the bumpy lane, a flash of yellow fluttered in front of me.  I wanted to take the bird's picture but the little guy kept flying ahead so I put the car in park, picked up the camera and rolled down the window.  

Just then the bird - a western palm warbler - lit upon the barbed wire fence right next to where I'd parked.  It must have known it was time for a photo shoot.

Front view...

Turned slightly left...

Now to the right...

And one more shot of a feathery rump before the photo shoot ended.

For the little warbler I suppose posing for my camera was a pleasant break from eating seeds and capturing bugs.  As for me, I was delighted. I couldn't wait to get home so I upload 'Warbler on a wire' to my computer.  I love it when things just click!

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