A bouquet of wild sunflowers brightens up the kitchen |
A "Simply" Extra
The tiny sunflower cutting I rooted a year ago this month, has grown into a sprawling feast of cheerful blooms. I found the sunflower growing wild in a field while we were picking blueberries last year at Lake Catherine Blueberry farm. Just before we were ready to go, I broke off a small branch and brought it home. The branch sat in water for a couple days until Ralph planted it for me in a 15-gallon pot. There it stayed, growing steadily until it eventually bloomed.
That winter it died back. Ralph, eager to have the leggy plant away from his precious vegetable, asked me where I wanted to put it.
"I'll take care of it," I said knowing full well, it would be while before I got around to it.
Nonetheless, the plant hung in there. This past spring, I finally got around to putting it in the ground, planting the sunflower by the garage where I wouldn't be in the way.
Planted in a bed by the garage with plenty of room to spread |
One month later...! |
As the days warmed the plant grew. And grew. And grew. It now stands taller than me. Butterflies and bees are constantly landing on the bright yellow blooms and I fill vases with its floral beauty.
Bees and blooms... |
Blooms and butterflies... |
I have no idea what kind of sunflower it is but it doesn't matter. What I do know is that it flowers profusely, wildlife love it and it tolerates neglect.
That good enough for me.
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