Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Celebrating the moment

Today is our anniversary, a 44-year partnership of loving, living and working together.  

Passing clubs together is an apt metaphor for our marriage.  Handling multiple tasks is our norm. Tossing the ball - or in this case - clubs back and forth, eases the burden, shares the responsibility and adds to a feeling of accomplishment when all is said and done.

Not to say we haven't experienced our share of "drops" over the years. We have...so many times.  And although we continue to make mistakes we also keep trying to do better and - most of all - to have fun in the process.

So, happy anniversary to my special fellow, my juggling partner and lifelong companion. The years may be going by way too fast, but what a cache of memories we've accumulated in the process.

There's no one I'd rather pass clubs with than you, Ralph - literally, figuratively and, obviously, jest for fun!

Me - way back when...

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