Sunday, August 24, 2014

A short walk yields many flowers and a few critters

A few pictures from my walk around the house yesterday later afternoon.

Blackberry lily - also called leopard lily

Pink 4-o'clocks and blue porterweed flowers 

Purple duranta, also called golden dewdrop

White duranta - it too is often called golden dewdrop

The fruit on our starfruit tree (carambola) are starting to get big

Cutleaf coneflower with katydid - can you find it?

Cutleaf coneflower without katydid

Grasshopper on coneflower leaf

White plumbego

Ginger with pretty pink flowers...but what kind is it?

White begonia gone wild in the gardens


  1. So many great pictures! My favorites are of the hidden katydid on the coneflower, and the first one of the lily.

    1. Isn't that lily lovely! It came from the Blackberry Bend house planted by former tenant. And those coneflowers are the same kind we saw blooming so profusely in your area. This is my first year for them and I really like them. The hidden katydid picture is one of my favorites too.

  2. My Blackberry Lilies are the freckless type.They are just too floppy for me.I have that purple Duranta,and I love it!

    1. My purple duranta is planted next to the white one so the two intertwine. I wish I could say I did that intentionally but like so many of my plant placement choices, it's the result of chance more than a well thought out plan.

  3. My Blackberry Lilies are the freck-less type.They are just too floppy for me.Love the Duranta.i have one,and it's amazing.

  4. What gorgeous photos! not only do you have beautiful flowers, but clearly the photography skill to capture their beauty

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Mike. I like few things more than being outside with my camera with time to wander about taking picture of everyday wonders.
