
Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Family time

As the years go by, it becomes more and more difficult to get everyone together for our annual family reunion.

There are schedules to coordinate. School. Work. Personal commitments. There's travel to arrange from homes far away.  And then there's health. Who's coughing, has a fever or experiencing a general feeling of malaise.  Yet, despite all the obstacles and last minute changes of plans, our family managed once again to gather together for a week-long reunion at our Groveland homestead.

All of us together in one place

This year's gathering included more activities than expected considering how many of us had colds that prevented us from getting as much sleep or energy as we would have liked.

As usual, the lake and pool were a huge draw. Countless hours were spent in and around water with our grandchildren especially enjoying the fun of playing with cousins they seldom have a chance to see.

Bathing suits are unnecessary at our secluded homestead

Atom adding finishing touches to the drip castle he and his cousins
built by the lake

A fine stack of sand balls
Our kids used to make these when they were little
Now our grandchildren make them too!

Timmy played so much with his nieces and nephew during
the week we were all together.  He's so good with kids!

Little squirts (Trillian and Ella) having fun in the pool

Cousins with goggles
Atom, Maya, Ella, Trillian

After many years without a boat to ski behind, Ralph, Tim and Amber were able to once again go waterskiing behind Ralph's new (to him) Mitzi Skiff with the grandkids eagerly along for the ride. Thanks to Amber and Scott, who bought a huge raft, the kids were also able to enjoy the speed and excitement of being pulled along behind the boat.

Ralph hasn't forgotten how to slalom and trick ski.
Neither have Timmy or Amber

Fast and fun rides on Hour Lake

While motoring around the lake was fun for many members of our family, my personal preference leans more toward quieter activities like the walk Jenny, Timmy and I took at the Sarah Maude Mason Nature Preserve in Howey-in-the-Hills.

Timmy takes the 'high' way along the brand new boardwalk though a cypress swamp 

Taking in the view at the observation tower overlooking Lake Harris

Late afternoon light and no bugs to bother us on our walk through the preserve

Jenny and I also took off on Saturday morning to visit Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive in the hope of photographing some birds and animals. We weren't disappointed!

Jenny photographing one of the many alligators we saw

So many gators!

Of all the waterbirds we saw,
we both liked the blue-winged teal ducks best

Here a coot, there a coot, everywhere a coot-coot-coot!

Simplify..simplify..spread your wings and simply fly!

Back home people took turns preparing meals, washing dishes and picking up toys and towels scattered about. Games were played, balls were juggled, birds were fed, trees were climbed and people went off on explores around the yard and gardens.

Maya and Ella fascinated by a centipede
or is it a millipede...?

Our native green anoles were of much interest to all the grandchildren
but especially to Maya and Ella, who live in MA where lizards are uncommon

Much time was spent jumping on the trampoline and climbing trees.  The rope swing got a good workout too.

Ella jumping

Unfortunately, the mulberries were about a week away from being ripe during our
family-together-time, but the trees were still great for climbing, as Maya demonstrates.

After playing with some of Jenny's old My Little Ponies,
Ella and Maya paint ceramic sculptures Jenny also found in the attic

Never too young or old to ride on the ropeswing

Playing hide-and-seek with Pinky Dog

While there were some things we didn't do together this year like check out Clermont thrift shops or do a group shop at Publix, new activities were added to fill the gap.  One afternoon while Ralph and I were out of town taking care of business, Jenny, Brett, Maya and Ella visited Rock Springs with Amber, Atom and Trillian.  Wish I could have been there too but I'm glad they got to experience the springs.

Whenever we all get together, there never seems to be enough time to do all the things we'd like to do.  But really, the pleasure is in being together whether it's at home, around town doing things together or just hanging out as a family.

Once upon a time it was just Ralph and me.  Then there were six of us - four children and two parents.  Now, after 47 years of marriage our family has expanded to include two wonderful son-in-laws and four amazing grandchildren.  If the essence of life is love, our cup overfloweth.


  1. How incredibly refreshing to see kids being kids (sans electronic devices) ~ birthday suits and all. I love it!

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth. It warms my heart too to see our grands enjoying nature and imaginative play as much as they do.
